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M Moser Associates is an interior architecture firm specializing in workplace strategy and design.<br /> <br /> Our client-centered Integrated Project Delivery approach aligns project teams and capabilities to design and build healthier, greener, more effective workspaces that facilitate the way our clients work.<br /> <br /> Since 1981, M Moser has delivered more than 4,500 workplace environments in over 140 cities. Today, our scope of projects extends from office interiors to corporate base buildings, campuses and tech-intensive facilities like labs and data centers.<br /> <br /> Our 700 staff includes planners, interior designers, architects, engineers, technology and sustainability specialists, and construction professionals, working collaboratively from a network of 16 global offices.<br /> <br /> In 2012 Interior Design magazine ranked M Moser as 7th in the ‘Office’ category, and 24th overall among the world largest and most influential design firms.<br /> <br /> M Moser is recognized as the expert in delivery LEED projects, particularly in LEED Commercial Interior system. Up to today, over 30% and 25% of all China’s and Asia’s LEED CI projects were completed by M Moser.<br /> <br /> M Moser Associates 穆氏是一家跨國建筑設計公司,專注于辦公空間之規(guī)劃與設計。<br /> <br /> 以客戶為中心的整合性項目交付方案使得項目團隊可以通力合作,設計并建造更加健康、環(huán)保、高效能的辦公空間以助客戶工作效率的提升。<br /> <br /> 自1981年以來,穆氏已經(jīng)在140多個城市完成了超過4,500個辦公環(huán)境相關項目。發(fā)展至今,我們的項目足跡已經(jīng)從單純的辦公室室內(nèi)設計延伸到企業(yè)總部大樓、校園和高科技設施,如實驗室和數(shù)據(jù)中心。<br /> <br /> 穆氏在全球擁有16家辦公室,包括專業(yè)規(guī)劃師、室內(nèi)設計師、建筑師、工程師、可持續(xù)技術專家和專業(yè)施工人員在內(nèi)的超過700名員工,各司其職,協(xié)同作業(yè),成就客戶所需所想。<br /> <br /> 在美國《室內(nèi)設計》雜志發(fā)布的2012年最新全球排名中,穆氏在“辦公空間”類別名列第7位,并且在全球最具規(guī)模和影響力的設計公司排名中,位列第24。<br /> <br /> 穆氏是在LEED認證系統(tǒng)的專家,尤其是在LEED CI內(nèi)裝認證方面。至今,全中國超過30%以及亞洲超過25%的LEED CI認證項目都由穆氏完成。
  • 所屬行業(yè):設計院/研究所
  • 所在地區(qū):上海-長寧區(qū)
  • 聯(lián)系人:顧小姐
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  • 郵箱:會員登錄后才可查看
  • 郵政編碼:200050
  • 地址:上海市定西路1100號遼油大廈9樓
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